Team Stats for Chicago Cubs

Stats for the 2024 season.

Breakdowns By Position


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Ground Outs 1,113
Air Outs 1,348
Runs 641
Doubles 231
Triples 26
Home Runs 149
Strike Outs 1,211
Walks 476
Intentional Walks 17
Hits 1,139
Hit By Pitch 66
Average (AVG) .239
At Bats 4,763
On Base Percentage (OBP) .315
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .392
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .707
Caught Stealing 26
Stolen Bases 129
Stolen Base Percentage .832
Ground Into Double Play 69
Number Of Pitches 21,005
Plate Appearances 5,354
Total Bases 1,869
Runs Batted In (RBI) 604
Left On Base 961
Sac Bunts 14
Sac Flies 34
Batting Average on Balls In Play (BABIP) .288
Ground Outs To Airouts 0.83
Catchers Interference 1
At Bats Per Home Run 31.97


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Games Started 142
Ground Outs 1,135
Air Outs 1,344
Runs 589
Doubles 198
Triples 15
Home Runs 151
Strike Outs 1,204
Walks 423
Intentional Walks 6
Hits 1,130
Hit By Pitch 46
Average (AVG) .237
At Bats 4,768
On Base Percentage (OBP) .304
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .380
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .684
Caught Stealing 25
Stolen Bases 102
Stolen Base Percentage .803
Ground Into Double Play 67
Number Of Pitches 20,348
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.76
Innings Pitched 1,255.0
Wins 72
Losses 70
Saves 31
Save Opportunities 54
Holds 66
Blown Saves 23
Earned Runs 524
Walks + Hits per Inning Pitched (WHIP) 1.24
Batters Faced 5,287
Outs 3,765
Games Pitched 142
Complete Games 1
Shutouts 8
Strikes 13,144
Strike Percentage .650
Hit Batsmen 46
Balks 5
Wild Pitches 36
Pickoffs 15
Total Bases 1,811
Ground Outs To Airouts 0.84
Win Percentage .507
Pitches Per Inning 16.21
Games Finished 141
Strikeout Walk Ratio 2.85
Strikeouts Per9inn 8.63
Walks Per9inn 3.03
Hits Per9inn 8.10
Runs Scored Per9 4.22
Home Runs Per9 1.08
Catchers Interference 4
Sac Bunts 17
Sac Flies 29


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Games Started 142
Caught Stealing 25
Stolen Bases 102
Stolen Base Percentage .803
Assists 1,159
Put Outs 3,765
Errors 72
Chances 4,996
Fielding .986
Range Factor Per Game 34.68
Range Factor Per9inn 3.92
Innings 11,295.0
Games 142
Passed Ball 6
Double Plays 76
Triple Plays 0
Catchers Interference 4
Wild Pitches 36
Throwing Errors 31
Pickoffs 1


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Runs 2,356
Home Runs 604
Strike Outs 4,816
Walks 1,692
Intentional Walks 24
Hits 4,520
Hit By Pitch 184
Average (AVG) .237
At Bats 19,072
On Base Percentage (OBP) .304
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .380
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .684
Caught Stealing 100
Stolen Bases 408
Stolen Base Percentage .803
Earned Runs 524
Batters Faced 21,148
Games Pitched 142
Hit Batsmen 184
Wild Pitches 144
Pickoffs 4
Total Bases 7,244
Strikeout Walk Ratio 2.85
Catchers Interference 16
Sac Bunts 68
Sac Flies 116
Passed Ball 24