Team Stats for Trenton Thunder

Stats for the 2024 season.

Breakdowns By Position


Stat Value
Games Played 73
Ground Outs 595
Air Outs 718
Runs 402
Doubles 121
Triples 19
Home Runs 29
Strike Outs 564
Walks 342
Intentional Walks 0
Hits 652
Hit By Pitch 85
Average (AVG) .261
At Bats 2,496
On Base Percentage (OBP) .366
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .360
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .726
Caught Stealing 22
Stolen Bases 125
Stolen Base Percentage .850
Ground Into Double Play 56
Number Of Pitches 11,439
Plate Appearances 2,958
Total Bases 898
Runs Batted In (RBI) 348
Left On Base 638
Sac Bunts 5
Sac Flies 29
Batting Average on Balls In Play (BABIP) .322
Ground Outs To Airouts 0.83
Catchers Interference 1
At Bats Per Home Run 86.07


Stat Value
Games Played 73
Games Started 73
Ground Outs 600
Air Outs 563
Runs 369
Doubles 96
Triples 16
Home Runs 23
Strike Outs 709
Walks 372
Intentional Walks 1
Hits 561
Hit By Pitch 69
Average (AVG) .234
At Bats 2,399
On Base Percentage (OBP) .350
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .316
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .666
Caught Stealing 27
Stolen Bases 151
Stolen Base Percentage .848
Ground Into Double Play 44
Number Of Pitches 11,489
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.46
Innings Pitched 639.1
Wins 37
Losses 36
Saves 11
Save Opportunities 19
Holds 30
Blown Saves 8
Earned Runs 317
Walks + Hits per Inning Pitched (WHIP) 1.46
Batters Faced 2,874
Outs 1,918
Games Pitched 73
Complete Games 1
Shutouts 5
Strikes 6,849
Strike Percentage .600
Hit Batsmen 69
Balks 4
Wild Pitches 78
Pickoffs 5
Total Bases 758
Ground Outs To Airouts 1.07
Win Percentage .507
Pitches Per Inning 17.97
Games Finished 72
Strikeout Walk Ratio 1.91
Strikeouts Per9inn 9.98
Walks Per9inn 5.24
Hits Per9inn 7.90
Runs Scored Per9 5.19
Home Runs Per9 0.32
Catchers Interference 0
Sac Bunts 10
Sac Flies 24


Stat Value
Games Played 73
Games Started 73
Caught Stealing 27
Stolen Bases 151
Stolen Base Percentage .848
Assists 620
Put Outs 1,918
Errors 81
Chances 2,619
Fielding .969
Range Factor Per Game 34.77
Range Factor Per9inn 3.97
Innings 5,754.0
Games 73
Passed Ball 12
Double Plays 54
Triple Plays 0
Catchers Interference 0
Wild Pitches 78
Throwing Errors 42
Pickoffs 0


Stat Value
Games Played 73
Runs 1,845
Home Runs 115
Strike Outs 3,545
Walks 1,860
Intentional Walks 5
Hits 2,805
Hit By Pitch 345
Average (AVG) .234
At Bats 11,995
On Base Percentage (OBP) .350
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .316
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .666
Caught Stealing 135
Stolen Bases 755
Stolen Base Percentage .848
Earned Runs 317
Batters Faced 14,370
Games Pitched 73
Hit Batsmen 345
Wild Pitches 390
Pickoffs 0
Total Bases 3,790
Strikeout Walk Ratio 1.91
Catchers Interference 0
Sac Bunts 50
Sac Flies 120
Passed Ball 60