Stats for the 2025 season.
Stat | Value |
Games Played | 3 |
Ground Outs | 25 |
Air Outs | 34 |
Runs | 22 |
Doubles | 2 |
Triples | 0 |
Home Runs | 3 |
Strike Outs | 26 |
Walks | 18 |
Intentional Walks | 1 |
Hits | 25 |
Hit By Pitch | 6 |
Average (AVG) | .231 |
At Bats | 108 |
On Base Percentage (OBP) | .368 |
Slugging Percentage (SLG) | .333 |
On Base + Slugging (OPS) | .701 |
Caught Stealing | 1 |
Stolen Bases | 12 |
Stolen Base Percentage | .923 |
Ground Into Double Play | 0 |
Number Of Pitches | 539 |
Plate Appearances | 134 |
Total Bases | 36 |
Runs Batted In (RBI) | 20 |
Left On Base | 29 |
Sac Bunts | 1 |
Sac Flies | 1 |
Batting Average on Balls In Play (BABIP) | .275 |
Ground Outs To Airouts | 0.74 |
Catchers Interference | 0 |
At Bats Per Home Run | 36.00 |
Stat | Value |
Games Played | 3 |
Games Started | 3 |
Ground Outs | 28 |
Air Outs | 25 |
Runs | 27 |
Doubles | 7 |
Triples | 2 |
Home Runs | 5 |
Strike Outs | 22 |
Walks | 22 |
Intentional Walks | 0 |
Hits | 30 |
Hit By Pitch | 7 |
Average (AVG) | .294 |
At Bats | 102 |
On Base Percentage (OBP) | .447 |
Slugging Percentage (SLG) | .549 |
On Base + Slugging (OPS) | .996 |
Caught Stealing | 2 |
Stolen Bases | 7 |
Stolen Base Percentage | .778 |
Ground Into Double Play | 1 |
Number Of Pitches | 519 |
Earned Run Average (ERA) | 8.31 |
Innings Pitched | 26.0 |
Wins | 0 |
Losses | 3 |
Saves | 0 |
Save Opportunities | 2 |
Holds | 0 |
Blown Saves | 2 |
Earned Runs | 24 |
Walks + Hits per Inning Pitched (WHIP) | 2.00 |
Batters Faced | 134 |
Outs | 78 |
Games Pitched | 3 |
Complete Games | 0 |
Shutouts | 0 |
Strikes | 306 |
Strike Percentage | .590 |
Hit Batsmen | 7 |
Balks | 0 |
Wild Pitches | 0 |
Pickoffs | 0 |
Total Bases | 56 |
Ground Outs To Airouts | 1.12 |
Win Percentage | .000 |
Pitches Per Inning | 19.96 |
Games Finished | 3 |
Strikeout Walk Ratio | 1.00 |
Strikeouts Per9inn | 7.62 |
Walks Per9inn | 7.62 |
Hits Per9inn | 10.38 |
Runs Scored Per9 | 9.35 |
Home Runs Per9 | 1.73 |
Catchers Interference | 0 |
Sac Bunts | 2 |
Sac Flies | 1 |
Stat | Value |
Games Played | 3 |
Games Started | 3 |
Caught Stealing | 2 |
Stolen Bases | 7 |
Stolen Base Percentage | .778 |
Assists | 37 |
Put Outs | 78 |
Errors | 6 |
Chances | 121 |
Fielding | .950 |
Range Factor Per Game | 38.33 |
Range Factor Per9inn | 4.42 |
Innings | 234.0 |
Games | 3 |
Passed Ball | 0 |
Double Plays | 2 |
Triple Plays | 0 |
Catchers Interference | 0 |
Wild Pitches | 0 |
Throwing Errors | 3 |
Pickoffs | 0 |
Stat | Value |
Games Played | 3 |
Runs | 54 |
Home Runs | 10 |
Strike Outs | 44 |
Walks | 44 |
Intentional Walks | 0 |
Hits | 60 |
Hit By Pitch | 14 |
Average (AVG) | .294 |
At Bats | 204 |
On Base Percentage (OBP) | .447 |
Slugging Percentage (SLG) | .549 |
On Base + Slugging (OPS) | .996 |
Caught Stealing | 4 |
Stolen Bases | 14 |
Stolen Base Percentage | .778 |
Earned Runs | 24 |
Batters Faced | 268 |
Games Pitched | 3 |
Hit Batsmen | 14 |
Wild Pitches | 0 |
Pickoffs | 0 |
Total Bases | 112 |
Strikeout Walk Ratio | 1.00 |
Catchers Interference | 0 |
Sac Bunts | 4 |
Sac Flies | 2 |
Passed Ball | 0 |
Pickoff Attempts | 0 |