Team Stats for Milwaukee Brewers

Stats for the 2024 season.

Breakdowns By Position


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Ground Outs 1,176
Air Outs 1,205
Runs 690
Doubles 219
Triples 28
Home Runs 160
Strike Outs 1,260
Walks 535
Intentional Walks 15
Hits 1,206
Hit By Pitch 45
Average (AVG) .251
At Bats 4,808
On Base Percentage (OBP) .330
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .408
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .738
Caught Stealing 39
Stolen Bases 186
Stolen Base Percentage .827
Ground Into Double Play 90
Number Of Pitches 21,838
Plate Appearances 5,432
Total Bases 1,961
Runs Batted In (RBI) 657
Left On Base 990
Sac Bunts 11
Sac Flies 28
Batting Average on Balls In Play (BABIP) .306
Ground Outs To Airouts 0.98
Catchers Interference 5
At Bats Per Home Run 30.05


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Games Started 142
Ground Outs 1,154
Air Outs 1,364
Runs 553
Doubles 171
Triples 15
Home Runs 173
Strike Outs 1,183
Walks 430
Intentional Walks 23
Hits 1,119
Hit By Pitch 56
Average (AVG) .235
At Bats 4,761
On Base Percentage (OBP) .304
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .386
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .690
Caught Stealing 26
Stolen Bases 97
Stolen Base Percentage .789
Ground Into Double Play 88
Number Of Pitches 20,480
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.58
Innings Pitched 1,268.0
Wins 82
Losses 60
Saves 46
Save Opportunities 64
Holds 68
Blown Saves 18
Earned Runs 505
Walks + Hits per Inning Pitched (WHIP) 1.22
Batters Faced 5,310
Outs 3,804
Games Pitched 142
Complete Games 0
Shutouts 12
Strikes 13,203
Strike Percentage .640
Hit Batsmen 56
Balks 10
Wild Pitches 36
Pickoffs 9
Total Bases 1,839
Ground Outs To Airouts 0.85
Win Percentage .577
Pitches Per Inning 16.15
Games Finished 142
Strikeout Walk Ratio 2.75
Strikeouts Per9inn 8.40
Walks Per9inn 3.05
Hits Per9inn 7.94
Runs Scored Per9 3.93
Home Runs Per9 1.23
Catchers Interference 4
Sac Bunts 23
Sac Flies 36


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Games Started 142
Caught Stealing 26
Stolen Bases 97
Stolen Base Percentage .789
Assists 1,191
Put Outs 3,804
Errors 76
Chances 5,071
Fielding .985
Range Factor Per Game 35.18
Range Factor Per9inn 3.94
Innings 11,412.0
Games 142
Passed Ball 8
Double Plays 100
Triple Plays 0
Catchers Interference 4
Wild Pitches 36
Throwing Errors 40
Pickoffs 4


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Runs 1,659
Home Runs 519
Strike Outs 3,549
Walks 1,290
Intentional Walks 69
Hits 3,357
Hit By Pitch 168
Average (AVG) .235
At Bats 14,283
On Base Percentage (OBP) .304
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .386
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .690
Caught Stealing 78
Stolen Bases 291
Stolen Base Percentage .789
Earned Runs 505
Batters Faced 15,930
Games Pitched 142
Hit Batsmen 168
Wild Pitches 108
Pickoffs 12
Total Bases 5,517
Strikeout Walk Ratio 2.75
Catchers Interference 12
Sac Bunts 69
Sac Flies 108
Passed Ball 24