Team Stats for Seattle Mariners

Stats for the 2024 season.

Breakdowns By Position


Stat Value
Games Played 143
Ground Outs 991
Air Outs 1,253
Runs 578
Doubles 195
Triples 12
Home Runs 159
Strike Outs 1,448
Walks 501
Intentional Walks 10
Hits 1,019
Hit By Pitch 99
Average (AVG) .218
At Bats 4,675
On Base Percentage (OBP) .305
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .367
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .672
Caught Stealing 26
Stolen Bases 121
Stolen Base Percentage .823
Ground Into Double Play 95
Number Of Pitches 21,374
Plate Appearances 5,313
Total Bases 1,715
Runs Batted In (RBI) 548
Left On Base 956
Sac Bunts 11
Sac Flies 25
Batting Average on Balls In Play (BABIP) .278
Ground Outs To Airouts 0.79
Catchers Interference 2
At Bats Per Home Run 29.40


Stat Value
Games Played 143
Games Started 143
Ground Outs 1,083
Air Outs 1,373
Runs 538
Doubles 211
Triples 19
Home Runs 161
Strike Outs 1,241
Walks 325
Intentional Walks 15
Hits 1,038
Hit By Pitch 48
Average (AVG) .221
At Bats 4,697
On Base Percentage (OBP) .277
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .377
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .654
Caught Stealing 38
Stolen Bases 103
Stolen Base Percentage .730
Ground Into Double Play 74
Number Of Pitches 19,712
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.50
Innings Pitched 1,261.1
Wins 72
Losses 71
Saves 30
Save Opportunities 49
Holds 72
Blown Saves 19
Earned Runs 491
Walks + Hits per Inning Pitched (WHIP) 1.08
Batters Faced 5,109
Outs 3,784
Games Pitched 143
Complete Games 1
Shutouts 13
Strikes 13,002
Strike Percentage .660
Hit Batsmen 48
Balks 4
Wild Pitches 32
Pickoffs 7
Total Bases 1,770
Ground Outs To Airouts 0.79
Win Percentage .503
Pitches Per Inning 15.63
Games Finished 142
Strikeout Walk Ratio 3.82
Strikeouts Per9inn 8.85
Walks Per9inn 2.32
Hits Per9inn 7.41
Runs Scored Per9 3.84
Home Runs Per9 1.15
Catchers Interference 1
Sac Bunts 11
Sac Flies 27


Stat Value
Games Played 143
Games Started 143
Caught Stealing 38
Stolen Bases 103
Stolen Base Percentage .730
Assists 1,141
Put Outs 3,784
Errors 73
Chances 4,998
Fielding .985
Range Factor Per Game 34.44
Range Factor Per9inn 3.90
Innings 11,352.0
Games 143
Passed Ball 5
Double Plays 86
Triple Plays 0
Catchers Interference 1
Wild Pitches 32
Throwing Errors 38
Pickoffs 0


Stat Value
Games Played 143
Runs 1,614
Home Runs 483
Strike Outs 3,723
Walks 975
Intentional Walks 45
Hits 3,114
Hit By Pitch 144
Average (AVG) .221
At Bats 14,091
On Base Percentage (OBP) .277
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .377
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .654
Caught Stealing 114
Stolen Bases 309
Stolen Base Percentage .730
Earned Runs 491
Batters Faced 15,327
Games Pitched 143
Hit Batsmen 144
Wild Pitches 96
Pickoffs 0
Total Bases 5,310
Strikeout Walk Ratio 3.82
Catchers Interference 3
Sac Bunts 33
Sac Flies 81
Passed Ball 15