Team Stats for Pittsburgh Pirates

Stats for the 2024 season.

Breakdowns By Position


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Ground Outs 1,238
Air Outs 1,187
Runs 600
Doubles 206
Triples 16
Home Runs 138
Strike Outs 1,319
Walks 430
Intentional Walks 14
Hits 1,132
Hit By Pitch 53
Average (AVG) .235
At Bats 4,819
On Base Percentage (OBP) .302
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .370
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .672
Caught Stealing 15
Stolen Bases 96
Stolen Base Percentage .865
Ground Into Double Play 88
Number Of Pitches 20,898
Plate Appearances 5,360
Total Bases 1,784
Runs Batted In (RBI) 578
Left On Base 973
Sac Bunts 16
Sac Flies 41
Batting Average on Balls In Play (BABIP) .292
Ground Outs To Airouts 1.04
Catchers Interference 1
At Bats Per Home Run 34.92


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Games Started 142
Ground Outs 1,166
Air Outs 1,326
Runs 654
Doubles 246
Triples 24
Home Runs 151
Strike Outs 1,179
Walks 445
Intentional Walks 14
Hits 1,223
Hit By Pitch 77
Average (AVG) .253
At Bats 4,835
On Base Percentage (OBP) .323
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .407
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .730
Caught Stealing 24
Stolen Bases 128
Stolen Base Percentage .842
Ground Into Double Play 109
Number Of Pitches 20,641
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.18
Innings Pitched 1,264.2
Wins 66
Losses 76
Saves 34
Save Opportunities 62
Holds 68
Blown Saves 28
Earned Runs 587
Walks + Hits per Inning Pitched (WHIP) 1.32
Batters Faced 5,421
Outs 3,794
Games Pitched 142
Complete Games 1
Shutouts 11
Strikes 13,439
Strike Percentage .650
Hit Batsmen 77
Balks 8
Wild Pitches 35
Pickoffs 11
Total Bases 1,970
Ground Outs To Airouts 0.88
Win Percentage .465
Pitches Per Inning 16.32
Games Finished 141
Strikeout Walk Ratio 2.65
Strikeouts Per9inn 8.39
Walks Per9inn 3.17
Hits Per9inn 8.70
Runs Scored Per9 4.65
Home Runs Per9 1.07
Catchers Interference 5
Sac Bunts 15
Sac Flies 44


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Games Started 142
Caught Stealing 24
Stolen Bases 128
Stolen Base Percentage .842
Assists 1,216
Put Outs 3,794
Errors 76
Chances 5,086
Fielding .985
Range Factor Per Game 35.28
Range Factor Per9inn 3.96
Innings 11,382.0
Games 142
Passed Ball 11
Double Plays 124
Triple Plays 0
Catchers Interference 5
Wild Pitches 35
Throwing Errors 35
Pickoffs 0


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Runs 3,270
Home Runs 755
Strike Outs 5,895
Walks 2,225
Intentional Walks 70
Hits 6,115
Hit By Pitch 385
Average (AVG) .253
At Bats 24,175
On Base Percentage (OBP) .323
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .407
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .730
Caught Stealing 120
Stolen Bases 640
Stolen Base Percentage .842
Earned Runs 587
Batters Faced 27,105
Games Pitched 142
Hit Batsmen 385
Wild Pitches 175
Pickoffs 0
Total Bases 9,850
Strikeout Walk Ratio 2.65
Catchers Interference 25
Sac Bunts 75
Sac Flies 220
Passed Ball 55