Team Stats for Houston Astros

Stats for the 2024 season.

Breakdowns By Position


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Ground Outs 1,212
Air Outs 1,386
Runs 655
Doubles 228
Triples 15
Home Runs 169
Strike Outs 1,043
Walks 388
Intentional Walks 19
Hits 1,268
Hit By Pitch 62
Average (AVG) .261
At Bats 4,859
On Base Percentage (OBP) .321
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .418
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .739
Caught Stealing 23
Stolen Bases 84
Stolen Base Percentage .785
Ground Into Double Play 118
Number Of Pitches 19,646
Plate Appearances 5,360
Total Bases 2,033
Runs Batted In (RBI) 625
Left On Base 957
Sac Bunts 10
Sac Flies 40
Batting Average on Balls In Play (BABIP) .298
Ground Outs To Airouts 0.87
Catchers Interference 1
At Bats Per Home Run 28.75


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Games Started 142
Ground Outs 1,083
Air Outs 1,282
Runs 562
Doubles 187
Triples 15
Home Runs 157
Strike Outs 1,297
Walks 498
Intentional Walks 2
Hits 1,069
Hit By Pitch 53
Average (AVG) .228
At Bats 4,693
On Base Percentage (OBP) .307
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .374
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .681
Caught Stealing 33
Stolen Bases 117
Stolen Base Percentage .780
Ground Into Double Play 103
Number Of Pitches 21,125
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.68
Innings Pitched 1,259.0
Wins 77
Losses 65
Saves 35
Save Opportunities 57
Holds 80
Blown Saves 22
Earned Runs 515
Walks + Hits per Inning Pitched (WHIP) 1.24
Batters Faced 5,286
Outs 3,777
Games Pitched 142
Complete Games 2
Shutouts 11
Strikes 13,329
Strike Percentage .630
Hit Batsmen 53
Balks 8
Wild Pitches 44
Pickoffs 7
Total Bases 1,757
Ground Outs To Airouts 0.84
Win Percentage .542
Pitches Per Inning 16.78
Games Finished 140
Strikeout Walk Ratio 2.60
Strikeouts Per9inn 9.27
Walks Per9inn 3.56
Hits Per9inn 7.64
Runs Scored Per9 4.02
Home Runs Per9 1.12
Catchers Interference 4
Sac Bunts 5
Sac Flies 33


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Games Started 142
Caught Stealing 33
Stolen Bases 117
Stolen Base Percentage .780
Assists 1,150
Put Outs 3,777
Errors 71
Chances 4,998
Fielding .986
Range Factor Per Game 34.70
Range Factor Per9inn 3.91
Innings 11,331.0
Games 142
Passed Ball 2
Double Plays 115
Triple Plays 0
Catchers Interference 4
Wild Pitches 44
Throwing Errors 34
Pickoffs 0


Stat Value
Games Played 142
Runs 1,686
Home Runs 471
Strike Outs 3,891
Walks 1,494
Intentional Walks 6
Hits 3,207
Hit By Pitch 159
Average (AVG) .228
At Bats 14,079
On Base Percentage (OBP) .307
Slugging Percentage (SLG) .374
On Base + Slugging (OPS) .681
Caught Stealing 99
Stolen Bases 351
Stolen Base Percentage .780
Earned Runs 515
Batters Faced 15,858
Games Pitched 142
Hit Batsmen 159
Wild Pitches 132
Pickoffs 0
Total Bases 5,271
Strikeout Walk Ratio 2.60
Catchers Interference 12
Sac Bunts 15
Sac Flies 99
Passed Ball 6