Chewbotcca Discord Commands

Bot obviously needs at least Read and Send messages if you want a response. Permissions listed under "Bot Permissions" are permissions the bot needs to execute the command. Permissions listed under "User Permissions" are permissions you, the executor, need to execute the command. The bot will notify you of missing permissions if needed.

The following permissions are required for most text-based commands.
They are not required for slash-based commands. In that case, the user needs "Use Application Commands" permission.

The rest of the permissions are optional, but are required if you plan on utilizing all bot commands.

Command Args Aliases Flags Description Bot Permissions User Permissions
/help None None None Get help and some basic information about the bot Embed Links No Special Perms
/invite None None None Get a link to invite the bot to your server Embed Links No Special Perms
/ping None None None Ping the bot to check its heart rate. Is it ok? If it doesn't respond, it might not be okay, or perhaps you failed to configure permissions properly. Embed Links No Special Perms
/stats None None None Get some cool, interesting, and very epic stats about the bot Embed Links No Special Perms
/cat None None None A crucial command. Get a random picture of a cat! Embed Links No Special Perms
/catfact None None None Get a random cat fact! Cats are really interesting! No Special Perms No Special Perms
/dog None None None Same as cat, but a dog instead of a cat. Occasionally it puts a video which won't embed, but oh well. Embed Links No Special Perms
/define None None None Defines a word via a dictionary. Returns the first result, may not be the best result, but definitely a result nonetheless. Embed Links No Special Perms
/urban <word to search> None None Like define, but instead of defining with a real dictionary, it queries the slightly edgier Urban dictionary. As a result, this command is NSFW only. Embed Links No Special Perms
/youtube <search term> yt None Searches YouTube for a video and posts cool stats about it! This command costs me money (I think) so feel free to donate to keep it free for everyone! Embed Links No Special Perms
/mcserver <java server ip> None None Queries a Minecraft: Java edition server for its stats. This command does NOT support bedrock edition servers yet, but it may soon! Embed Links No Special Perms
/mcuser <username or UUID> namemc None Gets Minecraft profile information for a user, including their name, name history, and a picture of their face. Embed Links No Special Perms
/lastfm <username> None None Gets last played (or currently playing) song information for the specified user. No Special Perms No Special Perms
/rubygem <gem name> gem, rgem, rubyg, gems None Gets information for the specific ruby gem. No Special Perms No Special Perms
/serverinfo [boosts|bots|channels|member <position>|roles|milestones] sinfo None Gets basic information for the server Embed Links No Special Perms
/info <command> None None Gets information about a specific command Embed Links No Special Perms
/github issue <repo> <issue#> ghpull None Gets an issue or pull request from the specified GitHub repository. Embed Links No Special Perms
/quote <message id> [optional: channel id] None None Quotes a message, puts the message and provides a link to jump to it. Useful for quoting messages outside of the specific server. Embed Links No Special Perms
/github user <user/org name> ghorg None Gets a user or org's profile from GitHub Embed Links No Special Perms
/trbmb None None None Generate a TRBMB Phrase! No Special Perms No Special Perms
/acronym <acronym> None None Generates a random acronym based on input! Letters only. No Special Perms No Special Perms
/userinfo [optional: mention] uinfo None Gets user info for you! Mention a user to get their info. Embed Links No Special Perms
/roleinfo <role mention/name/id> rinfo None Gets information about a role! Add "members" to view role members. Embed Links Manage Roles? (to view role perms, optional)
/roll [dice "d" sides] None None Rolls dice. Uses D&D format, for example, 1d6 = Rolls 1 6 sided die. Using this command with no arguments rolls 1 6-sided die. Embed Links No Special Perms
/feedback <your feedback> None None Leave some feedback for Chew! :3 No Special Perms No Special Perms
/channelinfo [optional: channel id or mention] cinfo --pins - Find pin stats Gets basic information about a channel. Embed Links No Special Perms
/github repository <repo path> githubrepo, ghrepository None Gets information about a specific GitHub repo. For example, %^ghrepo Chewbotcca/Discord Embed Links No Special Perms
/profile None None None Gets your bot profile Embed Links No Special Perms
/botinfo <bot mention> [list] binfo None Gets bot information from an optionally specified bot list. Embed Links No Special Perms
/8ball <question> None None Ask the magic 8 ball a question! Embed Links No Special Perms
/qrcode <data> qr None Turn input into a QR Code! Embed Links No Special Perms
/serversettings [optional: set] <data> settings, ss None Get settings for your server. Must have Manage Server. Embed Links Manage Server
/numberfact <number> [trivia?|math|year|date] None None Gets a numberfact for the specified number and type. Embed Links No Special Perms
/spigotdrama None None None Generates some spigot drama. Embed Links No Special Perms
/mcwiki <article> None None Searches the Minecraft Wiki for an article and returns a summary and an image. Embed Links No Special Perms
/reddit <subreddit> [post #] None None Grabs a post from a subreddit and links it. Leave both blank for a random post? Embed Links No Special Perms
%^role <create|assign|delete|remove> [mention] <role name> None None Create or delete a role with <name> or assign or revoke role <role> to [mention]. Respects permissions and hierarchy. Manage Roles Manage Roles
/mcissue <issue link or num> mojira, mcbug None Gets an issue from Mojira or Spigot JIRA and describes it. Embed Links No Special Perms
/discrim [optional: discrim to look up] None None Looks through the user cache to find users with the specified (if none, your) discriminator. To cache the current server, run %^sinfo. No Special Perms No Special Perms
/rory [optional: id]/<follow> None None Gets a random picture of Rory :3. Add "follow" to receive new Rory pics! Embed Links No Special Perms
%^dehoist None None None Dehoists users with common list hoisting user/nick names Change Nicknames Change Nicknames
/privacy None None None Returns a link to the Chewbotcca Discord Bot privacy policy. No Special Perms No Special Perms
%^ban <mention a user> [days of messages to remove] None None Bans a user for a specified (default, 0) amount of days of messages to remove. Ban Members, Embed Links Ban Members
/ocr Attach Image or URL None None Runs an OCR which finds texts on a given image and returns the result. 1 minute cooldown! Embed Links No Special Perms
/paste [optional: path to discord upload] None None Finds or uses provided discord attachment of a text file and uploads it to a pastebin site. Avoids having to download and view manually. No Special Perms No Special Perms
/userstats None None None Finds amount of users with all user flags (excluding Nitro) and sorts them. Embed Links No Special Perms
/memerator <meme/user> <query> None None Finds a meme or user based on query. Embed Links No Special Perms
%^permcheck None None None Check Bot permissions to ensure it has everything it needs. Checks all the permissions listed above. No Special Perms Manage Server
/apod [optional: mm/dd/yyyy] dailyspace, astropix, apix None Gets the current (or if args, that day's) NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day. Embed Links No Special Perms
%^unsuppress <message link/channel?+message id> None None Unsuppresses an embed for a specified message. Can be just message ID, channel+message ID, or a link to the message, but the message has to be on the server. Manage Messages Manage Messages
%^prefix None None None Returns a list of valid Chewbotcca prefixes No Special Perms No Special Perms
%^tosdr <info/points/docs> <service name> None None Gets information for a <service> from Embed Links No Special Perms
/coinflip None flip None Flip a coin, very simple! Embed Links No Special Perms
%^hangar <search> None None Searches Hangar for a specified project. Embed Links No Special Perms
/modrinth [query] None None Searches for a specified project. No Special Perms No Special Perms
/wynncraft [guild/player] None None Finds player or guild stats for Wynncraft. No Special Perms No Special Perms