Neighboring Teams for Buckeyes

These are the neighboring teams for Buckeyes!

Rank Team Cookies
215 Diamond Heart 167,091,287
216 Xanctuary 160,071,011
217 Frog Squad 159,690,274
218 Scrummy 159,396,140
219 Stuntman 158,994,468
220 Royal bakers 158,846,434
221 Vixana 156,748,318
222 FoxWolfPack 154,975,838
223 AFK Wood Cyan 151,302,740
224 noHesi 150,608,277
225 Buckeyes 147,895,904
226 Me like cookies 147,647,496
227 OtgonErdenePlays 144,528,823
228 Dreamzz 142,981,982
229 NeverKicked 140,727,109
230 Doughvahkiingdom 139,431,148
231 UpdateDay 139,389,612
232 Potato Fries 138,237,569
233 We are one with the 137,992,288
234 vivis lovers 137,985,775
235 PandasWorld 129,281,267