Neighboring Teams for Zenox

These are the neighboring teams for Zenox!

Rank Team Cookies
120 **The Cookie Jar** 361,080,801
121 The Cookie Empire 359,525,216
122 Ready Player One 358,210,330
123 Edlunds 349,061,189
124 fgsfds 343,552,009
125 bush 334,374,625
126 Rainbow Cats 334,167,941
127 1ManTeam 324,104,948
128 EarthBound 319,991,919
129 Cookie Gods666 312,721,887
130 Zenox 291,847,109
131 Hansel and Grettel 276,329,862
132 kinz 267,875,628
133 Pink Panther 252,665,741
134 DeutscheTrojaner 247,628,044
135 Misted 247,227,242
136 We need you 236,322,273
137 Epiloria 234,773,574
138 monbebes 234,709,294
139 player1ready 225,997,266
140 markimoo crew 225,759,317