Neighboring Teams for just a random team

These are the neighboring teams for just a random team !

Rank Team Cookies
315 Legendary Cookies 227,801
316 Yorkshire 206,038
317 Bitajnu 185,435
318 Pauger 181,734
319 Legion 128,042
320 Shapes 125,574
321 COOKiYeS 120,289
322 Cookie Glass 119,414
323 Haylin cookies shop 45,113
324 Annas Club 42,503
325 just a random team 36,999
326 TheBoiiz 6,526
327 Uranium Cookies 6,070
328 Vegetable gang 4,971
329 Sloth 3,600
330 Super Amazing Cookie 3,194
331 BetinhaCris 2,318
332 Blackpink 1,323
333 Collapse Of Cookies 1,232
334 Coffee shop 1,226
335 Cookie Ninjas 306