Neighboring Teams for Sunshine in a Bag

These are the neighboring teams for Sunshine in a Bag!

Rank Team Cookies
79 Penguins 2,274,204,708
80 Family 2,266,826,276
81 Sovereign 2,198,020,149
82 illuminated 2,028,666,290
83 2,014,180,718
84 super mamie 2,013,650,319
85 Ice Brigade 1,996,948,573
86 yay im good 1,839,548,665
87 LemmeThink 1,709,506,683
88 The Guild of Bakers 1,667,551,030
89 Sunshine in a Bag 1,662,805,015
90 sigma cookie makers 1,647,862,966
91 Broiler and Kebab 1,604,868,909
92 dOachkatzlschweaf 1,591,428,790
93 cats and cookies 1,411,190,766
94 Juiced 1,317,975,752
95 mine only 1,313,142,435
96 German Super Ace 1,307,601,947
97 JCJenson In Spaaace 1,222,881,679
98 Cookie Dough 1,216,066,195
99 Not Hacker 2™ 1,212,953,759