Neighboring Teams for the best team

These are the neighboring teams for the best team !

Rank Team Cookies
458 Balls 46,875
459 join my friends 46,098
460 Dream Bakers 45,708
461 111111111111 41,846
462 Zodiac 40,885
463 skibidi toilet 6,846
464 Doughvahkiingdom 3,156
465 Nice Team 2,340
466 HAVEN 1,665
467 napalm cookis 726
468 the best team 609
469 clnnnnnn 432
470 Bark 408
471 HakDal 288
472 :D 284
473 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 240
474 R 93
475 King of Beans 53
476 Arctic 14
477 Leroy Brown 9
478 BSGNs Team 8