Neighboring Teams for Metallicookies

These are the neighboring teams for Metallicookies!

Rank Team Cookies
576 DJ Team 23,941
577 Cookie people 17,734
578 Carmera 15,939
579 fudgy1 13,896
580 one man team 8,320
581 cookies pack 7,380
582 The Resistance 6,871
583 DONT BUY 2TB USB 5,260
584 the gregs 5,243
585 Mopar Cookies Inc 4,574
586 Metallicookies 4,428
587 MilkShakers 4,374
588 OnlyPass 4,230
589 Player 3,596
590 sweet house 2,888
591 Million Plus Only 2,183
592 Cookie Clickers 1,970
593 ssw 1,530
594 vlki 1,456
595 The Commanders 963
596 Pog 626