Neighboring Teams for Big Stars

These are the neighboring teams for Big Stars!

Rank Team Cookies
154 Chosen Few 57,683,662
155 NoChat 57,537,942
156 Peter and Dad 57,295,529
157 yeahyeah 56,958,132
158 Scaredclan 56,874,937
159 Pink Panther 56,791,196
160 Bonk 56,696,050
161 **The Cookie Jar** 56,473,447
162 Motobuksirofsik Team 55,817,657
163 shawn and haven 54,068,929
164 Big Stars 53,970,051
165 Nightus 53,820,155
166 cheeseisgood 51,913,379
167 MAN 49,969,653
168 Mobsquad 49,587,139
169 Cozmic 48,971,557
170 Cybran 48,617,370
171 Fancy Team Name Here 45,866,944
172 Squirrel with a ak 45,562,626
173 DontNeedToBeTooActiv 45,237,599
174 PaulTheCat 44,656,454