
keep Sozzlong up those cookies.. enjoy the game


Rank: #334
Online: 0 / 13
Total Season: 53,777,794
Total Lifetime: 1,305,639,916
Total Showcase: 103 / 2080
Total Cookie Power: 39,580

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 A teammate August 17, 2024 638c3335-353a-4cd4-a404-4bdd08930bfb 44,896,206 969387498.0969,387,498 46 9,888 44896206.483640075 969387498.46684 9888 1723852800
2 GARRY September 09, 2024 f3c75f6c-19ab-477a-8fd2-c984120922d0 8,881,588 44543452.044,543,452 9 869 8881587.950008996 44543451.54999 869 1725840000
3 MrsQueenie August 26, 2024 3f5c9969-1a7b-4126-8b28-c27091101129 0 283275481.0283,275,481 18 3,559 0 283275480.79567 3559 1724630400
4 A teammate September 08, 2024 968e01a1-e201-43bf-959d-9aeb905f9a51 0 4287097.04,287,097 1 27 0 4287097 27 1725753600
5 A teammate September 08, 2024 a756af7e-c489-4cae-858b-7c9195f8e032 0 4018303.04,018,303 0 26 0 4018303 26 1725753600
6 A teammate September 08, 2024 db848495-d0bc-4424-be07-ccd834d9a960 0 128085.0128,085 0 6 0 128085 6 1725753600
7 A teammate August 17, 2024 d6b0335f-7dc1-4dfb-9b7d-fdc2879916d0 0 0.00 7 309 0 0 309 1723852800
8 A teammate August 13, 2024 eff4c010-1391-44fa-b116-00c06f28ca6f 0 0.00 4 295 0 0 295 1723507200
9 A teammate August 17, 2024 1e9c24ef-7366-4fe8-99dc-7760d41a6699 0 0.00 1 33 0 0 33 1723852800
10 LUCAS June 11, 2023 d4c940b4-3653-48eb-b155-f38fc5919573 0 0.00 1 41 0 0 41 1686441600
11 CakeSozzler August 01, 2024 e6097e22-ff5e-4397-9aac-c8a471f4aaca 0 0.00 14 24,417 0 0 24417 1722470400
12 Tural August 16, 2024 a195b0f6-9036-4f8a-bda1-3582c73d9368 0 0.00 2 99 0 0 99 1723766400
13 A teammate August 25, 2024 49d145f1-5cbe-4856-85e6-b5f9bc73860a 0 0.00 0 11 0 0 11 1724544000