
Rank: #440
Online: 0 / 47
Total Season: 5,961,374
Total Lifetime: 2,000,899,755
Total Showcase: 767 / 7520
Total Cookie Power: 777,305

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 Rilleracer August 10, 2024 a9acde55-f603-4bc0-8e37-b588c923737f 5,961,374 56715539.056,715,539 5 602 5961374 56715539 602 1723248000
2 A teammate August 17, 2024 72f69c10-4c8a-4b91-8bc1-ba0541ff4af9 0 590048284.0590,048,284 19 19,393 0 590048283.91178 19393 1723852800
3 Milka December 03, 2023 d081a7a0-504a-4dd8-8a99-e1468861d29a 0 461730512.0461,730,512 23 4,222 0 461730511.90906 4222 1701561600
4 A teammate August 13, 2024 e2e0bd20-752e-44a9-b3e9-857c5fa5f848 0 449259304.0449,259,304 15 5,626 0 449259304 5626 1723507200
5 master January 28, 2024 bad6d707-e383-4581-98f6-c571c812b449 0 365096230.0365,096,230 19 1,810 0 365096229.91049 1810 1706400000
6 A teammate August 16, 2024 926f5524-badc-42a6-80d4-9b52e8a67445 0 67128899.067,128,899 15 1,316 0 67128899.402139 1316 1723766400
7 A teammate August 07, 2024 fc78134b-441f-40b2-93ed-ba5d269b1bdc 0 10920987.010,920,987 4 399 0 10920987 399 1722988800
8 A teammate August 12, 2024 2625659f-4c42-4ef3-a902-b52c9e2c8c17 0 0.00 0 12 0 0 12 1723420800
9 A teammate August 18, 2024 85b807d6-1013-4d92-98ef-357bf6b64562 0 0.00 10 2,470 0 0 2470 1723939200
10 Outzs August 13, 2024 d59040d5-773d-4c33-84b3-9607e623f31e 0 0.00 16 1,847 0 0 1847 1723507200
11 A teammate August 18, 2024 564cbf43-232b-4f5d-98ce-ed7149da934e 0 0.00 5 371 0 0 371 1723939200
12 A teammate August 15, 2024 cda54514-70b9-4bfb-848a-cbcca53b00e1 0 0.00 3 66 0 0 66 1723680000
13 A teammate August 16, 2024 bda92223-f81a-4663-b8a0-71963941cb34 0 0.00 0 7 0 0 7 1723766400
14 A teammate August 17, 2024 ad488c38-46b2-45d9-a9aa-912827a78b1e 0 0.00 12 2,439 0 0 2439 1723852800
15 A teammate August 16, 2024 57d5f555-4b58-4313-a703-03a7b82eb0ce 0 0.00 5 250 0 0 250 1723766400
16 A teammate August 19, 2024 5e134cff-b1ae-4f9d-b970-956e558e5d9c 0 0.00 5 1,075 0 0 1075 1724025600
17 A teammate August 11, 2024 7b76568a-fe9c-4f3b-a81d-cb69ee9d706c 0 0.00 18 1,506 0 0 1506 1723334400
18 max August 16, 2024 d4314221-7686-47b1-b71f-903fba0b5bf2 0 0.00 2 263 0 0 263 1723766400
19 A teammate August 19, 2024 7f18f146-5980-482f-b8fe-593de9706a24 0 0.00 28 2,946 0 0 2946 1724025600
20 Natsu August 21, 2024 98f1629d-fa85-4a30-8eb4-7a21a1b666db 0 0.00 5 343 0 0 343 1724198400
21 I havent August 16, 2024 1d98c1c7-c2ce-42e6-8de6-b415767bf804 0 0.00 0 7 0 0 7 1723766400
22 CosmicGaming August 04, 2024 154a25a5-7a9d-464f-a807-c0457658c623 0 0.00 0 8 0 0 8 1722729600
23 A teammate July 21, 2024 41962820-d6c9-40e0-afb6-ec19175b7c5b 0 0.00 3 147 0 0 147 1721520000
24 morgy May 11, 2024 13ef158d-3d5e-484b-b5da-0f7df1ea5bf0 0 0.00 0 60 0 0 60 1715385600
25 A teammate August 17, 2024 3bff9b40-e1bb-4524-81d4-16771f06b6d7 0 0.00 4 295 0 0 295 1723852800
26 sneakyfildy August 18, 2024 10824bce-57cb-45b8-9064-b3ff2f70332d 0 0.00 19 5,114 0 0 5114 1723939200
27 Deklin December 23, 2023 5315387b-9844-4159-a9dc-0228f067c9ab 0 0.00 44 4,859 0 0 4859 1703289600
28 A teammate August 18, 2024 2d5fe0f1-697f-49e2-bf70-3cbaddb0d045 0 0.00 3 254 0 0 254 1723939200
29 A teammate August 13, 2024 63873a8f-7301-46b6-bc05-4a6b542b370f 0 0.00 3 268 0 0 268 1723507200
30 A teammate August 18, 2024 7be9ad47-cb88-4853-a28c-e8fc80ad8374 0 0.00 29 8,267 0 0 8267 1723939200
31 ILL get u August 10, 2024 40b614ac-eee3-4470-827a-a5555d7cf1d2 0 0.00 6 552 0 0 552 1723248000
32 A teammate August 14, 2024 ae6f4a92-ba3d-4e07-b665-22c53c13fb58 0 0.00 2 140 0 0 140 1723593600
33 A teammate July 25, 2024 a98ecdfe-99fd-4d29-9b6b-becc90f3f61d 0 0.00 19 1,344 0 0 1344 1721865600
34 A teammate August 21, 2024 e6a627d1-48ac-4109-8cb2-4a7a19ac30e4 0 0.00 6 166 0 0 166 1724198400
35 j January 12, 2018 13304cd9-f703-49f6-8fd1-f5da58e702e9 0 0.00 352 697,358 0 0 697358 1515715200
36 A teammate August 12, 2024 af9a39c5-582d-4055-8af8-82119f69754b 0 0.00 13 2,121 0 0 2121 1723420800
37 A teammate March 15, 2024 cb1f3ab1-24af-4a7e-8040-46e856cd22c8 0 0.00 7 388 0 0 388 1710460800
38 A teammate August 22, 2024 faf38c85-a4c1-4970-a387-75fecc0476d4 0 0.00 1 42 0 0 42 1724284800
39 A teammate July 08, 2024 9676d9d4-f43b-4507-84be-09dd011648ec 0 0.00 26 6,371 0 0 6371 1720396800
40 A teammate August 18, 2024 ee5f1c3f-9cf6-4080-b452-b8e6c74ed47a 0 0.00 9 327 0 0 327 1723939200
41 zorrigas August 13, 2024 2072af57-d09e-481a-a862-29468016940f 0 0.00 2 319 0 0 319 1723507200
42 A teammate August 20, 2024 def4dc48-0c71-4dc5-88fb-56209e922246 0 0.00 0 6 0 0 6 1724112000
43 A teammate August 08, 2024 2e26ca42-5f99-4bd6-a242-4dbd350a70d8 0 0.00 5 659 0 0 659 1723075200
44 A teammate August 18, 2024 d7c445dc-7954-439b-9d06-2050a034a07d 0 0.00 0 13 0 0 13 1723939200
45 A teammate August 18, 2024 23c7a6bc-db88-4b13-835a-cc9e12bfb032 0 0.00 1 47 0 0 47 1723939200
46 A teammate August 20, 2024 e7108487-1148-4b3b-b729-a9a3c23d1966 0 0.00 2 725 0 0 725 1724112000
47 Kaito August 11, 2024 40b51b41-a50b-40fe-b417-79e2e536eef0 0 0.00 2 485 0 0 485 1723334400