

Rank: #473
Online: 0 / 18
Total Season: 713,246
Total Lifetime: 66,567,694
Total Showcase: 792 / 2880
Total Cookie Power: 1,408,507

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 A teammate July 29, 2024 1b12ef56-1b23-4443-acaa-5c6aff558cb5 713,246 34177470.034,177,470 5 233 713246 34177470 233 1722211200
2 A teammate July 10, 2024 b576cddc-6f1c-40c6-8a6b-be474866f448 0 32390224.032,390,224 5 451 0 32390224 451 1720569600
3 z09ox July 28, 2024 0a786fbf-83ed-4371-86ab-a75cffc20f1e 0 0.00 4 245 0 0 245 1722124800
4 VinnyW July 31, 2024 820780d3-2dd2-48c1-a0cd-8e573e3de75e 0 0.00 1 31 0 0 31 1722384000
5 A teammate July 31, 2024 726bcc0c-ab09-4ac7-9025-2a7e7bc95c10 0 0.00 7 257 0 0 257 1722384000
6 ORSIT July 15, 2024 1b32abd7-1b23-4742-97cb-81de56dc7704 0 0.00 7 1,218 0 0 1218 1721001600
7 Breezyisfreezy May 27, 2024 c289cccc-8e68-4b85-b3ad-a756db79106a 0 0.00 2 239 0 0 239 1716768000
8 A teammate July 28, 2024 07f3fbd0-ec4e-432a-ad82-c753555909fb 0 0.00 5 1,100 0 0 1100 1722124800
9 A teammate July 27, 2024 734e4124-60b1-4548-bb9c-c01f1a478fee 0 0.00 1 16 0 0 16 1722038400
10 Daniel March 09, 2024 59473fa0-dcbe-4fb3-84a0-9cc3e441abc8 0 0.00 11 1,344 0 0 1344 1709942400
11 A teammate July 28, 2024 be7deac7-15e3-450a-b32a-148ddfa254fc 0 0.00 0 70 0 0 70 1722124800
12 ERROR July 15, 2024 a12abef4-e7b2-4b95-8d26-11e8dde99a90 0 0.00 17 2,688 0 0 2688 1721001600
13 A teammate July 27, 2024 5f5f8c4c-ed4f-4ddf-b127-7a19ae120b33 0 0.00 1 24 0 0 24 1722038400
14 Iw July 13, 2015 5d3b8eef-129e-4cce-a4c9-aeef6027997d 0 0.00 352 698,099 0 0 698099 1436745600
15 Qtips April 12, 2015 43345a0f-3d73-425e-8189-429850d1dae4 0 0.00 352 698,099 0 0 698099 1428796800
16 Jonima347 July 29, 2024 5350fd56-08a9-47a2-97c8-56c3eed820cc 0 0.00 20 3,901 0 0 3901 1722211200
17 A teammate July 29, 2024 5f0616f2-33e0-411b-bf73-d4c3e59ec81f 0 0.00 0 167 0 0 167 1722211200
18 white July 29, 2024 977bab46-7cc4-4343-93b9-052831c56478 0 0.00 2 325 0 0 325 1722211200