Sonic Slaves

We the people of SONIC promise to bake the most cookies anyone has ever seeeeen 👀


Rank: #476
Online: 0 / 17
Total Season: 14,020,250
Total Lifetime: 157,825,987
Total Showcase: 336 / 2720
Total Cookie Power: 263,052

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 A teammate May 13, 2024 705596f0-b8c5-43af-b67d-73f1fdead512 14,020,250 157825987.0157,825,987 21 1,848 14020250.389749974 157825987.12938 1848 1715558400
2 corndoglicker April 26, 2024 497340a7-b828-4240-93e6-ac6f51c41408 0 0.00 16 1,460 0 0 1460 1714089600
3 Glizzy Gobbler October 07, 2020 5877312b-bbc7-46be-a7be-269cf15c3353 0 0.00 181 244,588 0 0 244588 1602028800
4 A teammate May 12, 2024 2fbfb367-d2dd-401d-a0ce-ffaa8df642e6 0 0.00 1 23 0 0 23 1715472000
5 A teammate May 12, 2024 35f90d82-7213-4718-b013-5451a6118189 0 0.00 1 11 0 0 11 1715472000
6 A teammate May 13, 2024 4c0d242a-3c70-464b-91e7-b840f7f89b4a 0 0.00 10 3,716 0 0 3716 1715558400
7 A teammate May 01, 2024 bf0ffe73-ba3b-42e5-87b5-e2ec58317cd0 0 0.00 3 198 0 0 198 1714521600
8 A teammate May 11, 2024 f69fe98c-91d7-430e-b44e-897600d962cc 0 0.00 2 92 0 0 92 1715385600
9 A teammate March 17, 2024 8c80282b-1743-4cf5-b803-cf051b0bee37 0 0.00 12 1,174 0 0 1174 1710633600
10 WiiSports00 May 13, 2024 8194bf5f-d075-46e0-968e-cca6d1dbc740 0 0.00 35 6,109 0 0 6109 1715558400
11 Jupmer85 May 11, 2024 54569cb7-f53d-43b6-be01-9b459cf9eacf 0 0.00 10 986 0 0 986 1715385600
12 A teammate May 11, 2024 1de355d5-d794-483e-a23f-c82281b80f1e 0 0.00 1 29 0 0 29 1715385600
13 Tap here to name November 02, 2023 bd4258b6-a6e6-4805-b023-c41073a65bbf 0 0.00 27 1,843 0 0 1843 1698883200
14 A teammate May 13, 2024 2e7e75af-7e9c-42bb-aa5d-7420a613a4ad 0 0.00 5 280 0 0 280 1715558400
15 Jhon May 09, 2024 68e2a499-feee-4e5c-ba57-e3640c394156 0 0.00 1 71 0 0 71 1715212800
16 soupmix May 11, 2024 b7ef7357-8540-4904-a2dc-d6b743def249 0 0.00 8 583 0 0 583 1715385600
17 A teammate May 11, 2024 45e26fa4-3935-41ed-8c52-ee6d5bafddd9 0 0.00 2 41 0 0 41 1715385600