

Rank: #454
Online: 0 / 46
Total Season: 2,337,798
Total Lifetime: 28,637,693
Total Showcase: 317 / 7360
Total Cookie Power: 72,250

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 Google April 08, 2024 2276e44a-c1ec-4703-a4c2-3aed0fa90219 2,337,798 18005656.018,005,656 0 202 2337798.199995 18005656.199995 202 1712534400
2 A teammate March 05, 2024 eb2ae793-6583-4e82-ae96-8fbddfa97fc3 0 10632037.010,632,037 1 29 0 10632037 29 1709596800
3 A teammate February 28, 2024 b2505116-b932-41fa-9f7f-2000edc703d0 0 0.00 4 193 0 0 193 1709078400
4 A teammate April 17, 2024 bba0d9ce-1964-4619-854c-ed7e00fd1716 0 0.00 1 114 0 0 114 1713312000
5 kc April 11, 2024 34e9528c-d720-4639-84a1-d334d4a6179f 0 0.00 4 448 0 0 448 1712793600
6 audreyye April 11, 2024 fa04c691-eb8c-4d58-8e7e-2eaa80f890bc 0 0.00 12 1,362 0 0 1362 1712793600
7 John Cena April 06, 2024 3e0ab042-d720-473f-a3d1-c5f3b1ec582d 0 0.00 64 40,947 0 0 40947 1712361600
8 Julien April 12, 2024 38945872-5e45-4d10-b1e3-5d827dd93cdf 0 0.00 1 58 0 0 58 1712880000
9 A teammate April 14, 2024 1778b77c-1409-4989-a3eb-c50baa28ff37 0 0.00 6 369 0 0 369 1713052800
10 A teammate April 14, 2024 33a69957-3f05-4679-8d4e-b8e237c6a6f9 0 0.00 1 110 0 0 110 1713052800
11 ihatetomatos123 April 12, 2024 b5693bbb-b2f2-4fdb-a473-7ecaadcdd074 0 0.00 13 1,410 0 0 1410 1712880000
12 Rock April 24, 2022 4a0d6b4c-ad3e-4ab8-b308-8bd96b28c291 0 0.00 17 1,047 0 0 1047 1650758400
13 A teammate April 16, 2024 eb61714b-c17d-441e-9b0a-da00d989e80d 0 0.00 9 1,301 0 0 1301 1713225600
14 A teammate April 13, 2024 b6a7ffcb-87d6-4598-897a-8787cf6135b5 0 0.00 27 1,704 0 0 1704 1712966400
15 A teammate April 17, 2024 d5548daf-3e55-42fa-8021-e76ad14c1a01 0 0.00 0 39 0 0 39 1713312000
16 A teammate April 07, 2024 4625cdf2-a299-496d-b193-8e15c59e4b2c 0 0.00 2 58 0 0 58 1712448000
17 A teammate April 15, 2024 c87e2718-9759-4071-83cf-bf9efa9109e4 0 0.00 0 7 0 0 7 1713139200
18 A teammate April 16, 2024 8fd79f59-09fb-4109-9765-26879c09a8a3 0 0.00 7 609 0 0 609 1713225600
19 A teammate April 18, 2024 67fc0f64-3a74-4fa0-9890-c9b5a38b49fc 0 0.00 24 8,878 0 0 8878 1713398400
20 A teammate April 10, 2024 82fbb352-0370-41c5-ad37-ce4c8fc341c4 0 0.00 18 2,248 0 0 2248 1712707200
21 A teammate April 14, 2024 a7e7a8aa-a611-443c-8131-9d4f887d5b13 0 0.00 2 68 0 0 68 1713052800
22 A teammate April 06, 2024 a55fc5bc-f880-434f-94e8-4665dbd39fb5 0 0.00 4 143 0 0 143 1712361600
23 malonso April 15, 2024 07e8e0a5-bb11-4a9a-b56b-9cd5a9a246e0 0 0.00 25 4,063 0 0 4063 1713139200
24 mathmatical bakary April 15, 2024 5b2937cd-477a-4130-a04b-174891c46167 0 0.00 4 112 0 0 112 1713139200
25 Saul1te April 16, 2024 65728651-d5bb-4656-bb40-343d187b2fb6 0 0.00 1 41 0 0 41 1713225600
26 A teammate April 11, 2024 216cf595-83f4-49f0-ba60-d27626faf09d 0 0.00 0 94 0 0 94 1712793600
27 A teammate April 14, 2024 87b71b73-2089-434f-877f-15a8eaf36130 0 0.00 4 163 0 0 163 1713052800
28 le Francais April 12, 2024 0da43357-6001-4c8a-97d4-6c23541b9abf 0 0.00 2 269 0 0 269 1712880000
29 A teammate April 13, 2024 859ca103-de98-408c-9579-0350d78a839f 0 0.00 1 103 0 0 103 1712966400
30 A teammate April 09, 2024 0a1b4518-a07b-464e-b99a-759bfef07c80 0 0.00 1 18 0 0 18 1712620800
31 A teammate April 16, 2024 29b90afb-33c0-4668-bbab-d33140f54de1 0 0.00 3 24 0 0 24 1713225600
32 shaihoo April 17, 2024 cd47514e-17df-4896-939e-7984924a3fd7 0 0.00 1 39 0 0 39 1713312000
33 A teammate April 17, 2024 fd7687f2-7f92-441a-b18e-9458137eb21e 0 0.00 0 44 0 0 44 1713312000
34 cio April 14, 2024 dadd10bf-301c-4865-a0db-35519cf8f10f 0 0.00 1 38 0 0 38 1713052800
35 A teammate April 07, 2024 30a81fd7-dbfa-4563-9fca-c458bb795258 0 0.00 1 360 0 0 360 1712448000
36 A teammate March 19, 2024 a63c863e-2062-4a7e-96fe-947b3a17312c 0 0.00 3 152 0 0 152 1710806400
37 A teammate April 11, 2024 59a35e95-d423-4fbd-a9fd-4c5dde0872de 0 0.00 10 465 0 0 465 1712793600
38 A teammate April 15, 2024 02073316-5e25-45a8-bff7-bfae96de64bf 0 0.00 1 124 0 0 124 1713139200
39 A teammate January 27, 2024 bf47aca4-1302-4d8c-b4d6-9c21f8f55a20 0 0.00 0 15 0 0 15 1706313600
40 A teammate April 12, 2024 24b4af49-1211-4f68-95d4-2a48ba01313c 0 0.00 8 573 0 0 573 1712880000
41 A teammate April 14, 2024 822facc2-5b31-43ef-a9fa-f5e5ace6c60c 0 0.00 0 26 0 0 26 1713052800
42 A teammate April 12, 2024 f9a02098-54c2-488e-98fa-1fd09f8cdeca 0 0.00 0 5 0 0 5 1712880000
43 A teammate April 18, 2024 51db28e0-9830-445d-871d-ae3a5b1cfab2 0 0.00 0 38 0 0 38 1713398400
44 beng April 13, 2024 7d676f13-2a27-44e4-8c14-d316b486d1f3 0 0.00 1 32 0 0 32 1712966400
45 A teammate April 14, 2024 ba5e7a1d-3c0c-40ac-81d8-c91485a150b9 0 0.00 33 3,913 0 0 3913 1713052800
46 A teammate March 13, 2024 b12c8b07-55d9-4de1-ba84-759ebead7bf8 0 0.00 0 195 0 0 195 1710288000