Neighboring Teams for Augh

These are the neighboring teams for Augh!

Rank Team Cookies
428 testforsaken 1,590,989
429 DeadZone 1,456,834
430 C00kieMonsters 1,281,546
431 Cookie Grinders 1,218,166
432 ez win 1,103,924
433 xyz 984,850
434 Cookie Glass 964,214
435 :D 797,032
436 CookieWithLibertea 734,995
437 FValley 718,862
438 Augh 651,169
439 Big Boy Bakery 614,476
440 Boredom 597,749
441 Ready Player One 543,875
442 Socks Team 468,527
443 Meta 419,210
444 Bitajnu 370,837
445 Sparkling Water 368,326
446 the gregs 341,661
447 Tadc cookies 331,477
448 Jeuakaaxksozesq 286,633