

Rank: #569
Online: 0 / 47
Total Season: 3,649,037
Total Lifetime: 102,108,462
Total Showcase: 490 / 7520
Total Cookie Power: 91,911

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 A teammate February 22, 2024 a3d81692-4c83-4643-bea4-1f69de4bbe8a 3,649,037 72367213.072,367,213 9 831 3649037.162505999 72367212.5713 831 1708560000
2 niceguy February 27, 2024 48b1f7ba-5726-4915-83e7-928275a4e616 0 29741250.029,741,250 2 317 0 29741249.50001 317 1708992000
3 A teammate February 26, 2024 39f370eb-f724-4f29-83b6-c7d8f62ef7d2 0 0.00 0 7 0 0 7 1708905600
4 PolloMan February 25, 2024 288d63bd-0fe6-4fc9-9c47-f73803373038 0 0.00 12 1,115 0 0 1115 1708819200
5 A teammate February 27, 2024 d9080247-335b-42ea-905f-8b11d534f634 0 0.00 16 1,877 0 0 1877 1708992000
6 Awasa February 25, 2024 8ff49a44-8027-437b-8da4-5c631b0c5730 0 0.00 27 4,946 0 0 4946 1708819200
7 A teammate February 23, 2024 7abd5104-8424-4a9e-96d1-490354871686 0 0.00 2 162 0 0 162 1708646400
8 ForeSigh February 28, 2024 f9901962-b19f-4572-a327-8a4f54ecc327 0 0.00 36 22,417 0 0 22417 1709078400
9 A teammate February 23, 2024 3d5d930e-378a-416a-8756-7ab0c451a575 0 0.00 1 170 0 0 170 1708646400
10 A teammate February 23, 2024 687dbff2-f238-4a22-bab5-83a542f1c279 0 0.00 0 81 0 0 81 1708646400
11 A teammate February 25, 2024 26ec5cc8-8376-40ca-9eac-8916892c7b97 0 0.00 4 133 0 0 133 1708819200
12 A teammate February 23, 2024 98941a8b-c1f0-4a27-8de1-a7fff531bf30 0 0.00 5 120 0 0 120 1708646400
13 A teammate February 26, 2024 317c850c-9279-4707-b287-cc2cb1c6f69c 0 0.00 10 904 0 0 904 1708905600
14 Teufelchen February 25, 2024 1b722e27-d182-4201-88e9-22a6e2d2007f 0 0.00 8 376 0 0 376 1708819200
15 A teammate February 24, 2024 94eca521-47ca-4d83-aab9-7feda443eafd 0 0.00 4 320 0 0 320 1708732800
16 A teammate February 24, 2024 d4fa13aa-04f7-4397-8000-a9c829761625 0 0.00 8 453 0 0 453 1708732800
17 A teammate February 24, 2024 41c2539e-dfcb-43dd-a436-aa56900dab3b 0 0.00 3 475 0 0 475 1708732800
18 A teammate February 27, 2024 36195b22-036a-4014-ac99-38c5cc720502 0 0.00 4 561 0 0 561 1708992000
19 A teammate February 26, 2024 119c2e10-0f7c-4981-802d-f7cde3e9672a 0 0.00 5 334 0 0 334 1708905600
20 A teammate February 22, 2024 db628484-cb41-4126-92a9-4bd1819115cd 0 0.00 6 240 0 0 240 1708560000
21 Cat February 25, 2024 badd1183-ac7a-4731-9392-4402f12689d9 0 0.00 21 2,396 0 0 2396 1708819200
22 A teammate February 27, 2024 9869cefd-36b2-4ff8-84a9-d52c86f521ff 0 0.00 2 51 0 0 51 1708992000
23 mavinbat January 27, 2024 0f3e86ec-ea77-4efd-ba23-f5241759b945 0 0.00 92 28,350 0 0 28350 1706313600
24 Mar February 28, 2024 0f2ca122-2f77-4420-81ca-2087277cb16f 0 0.00 15 1,462 0 0 1462 1709078400
25 A teammate February 25, 2024 fd286eed-bb16-4a61-a4ca-d94eb4e92e2e 0 0.00 1 15 0 0 15 1708819200
26 A teammate February 24, 2024 e1dfcfcb-7b29-4889-b43f-c39bca96d96e 0 0.00 3 349 0 0 349 1708732800
27 Thegamer February 27, 2024 58cb1676-8409-4948-be6e-a2ac69247da1 0 0.00 4 294 0 0 294 1708992000
28 A teammate February 25, 2024 e69ac9c2-4329-4a6b-b1c1-e034ad77252a 0 0.00 10 640 0 0 640 1708819200
29 A teammate February 24, 2024 eed5171c-00bd-4456-8052-c959c9f04ea5 0 0.00 22 1,260 0 0 1260 1708732800
30 A teammate February 14, 2024 509ea101-743f-473f-891a-4bc1db13a6d6 0 0.00 20 5,972 0 0 5972 1707868800
31 jojo February 26, 2024 ba2e4a45-1f66-421c-b20c-feb1844c6ff4 0 0.00 17 1,744 0 0 1744 1708905600
32 A teammate February 22, 2024 925384d6-4ad2-48c3-a5bb-3a0b268ea567 0 0.00 0 11 0 0 11 1708560000
33 Madrats1884 February 27, 2024 15d3cd8e-4205-4f53-b736-e0bae9d64d6a 0 0.00 12 1,792 0 0 1792 1708992000
34 A teammate February 27, 2024 811b7732-61c7-4a27-a324-ee2fec48bb73 0 0.00 0 16 0 0 16 1708992000
35 A teammate February 25, 2024 4e447d5c-43af-41dd-bbfa-217ce70e21f5 0 0.00 6 729 0 0 729 1708819200
36 A teammate February 25, 2024 990bfe66-786e-4b13-a35f-d678b98a0879 0 0.00 3 120 0 0 120 1708819200
37 A teammate February 24, 2024 e9db89ee-eb89-4408-a11a-c87fcc92e1b6 0 0.00 1 25 0 0 25 1708732800
38 A teammate February 27, 2024 b0f45175-6a9c-428e-a095-347729272071 0 0.00 14 1,127 0 0 1127 1708992000
39 linni February 28, 2024 927f3942-a524-4d73-988b-2ed9dbe13ec5 0 0.00 0 13 0 0 13 1709078400
40 A teammate February 28, 2024 c452f493-19dd-40f2-8936-3bd95b7a3cdb 0 0.00 26 2,643 0 0 2643 1709078400
41 A teammate February 25, 2024 61e6d677-4dd8-47c1-ab75-2e3cc488f6a0 0 0.00 8 796 0 0 796 1708819200
42 A teammate February 27, 2024 cc6ce2b8-bc65-4ea1-939a-f88c0f519371 0 0.00 4 246 0 0 246 1708992000
43 A teammate March 12, 2024 b3c957ce-9eef-42b7-bba2-1c777ac72210 0 0.00 6 313 0 0 313 1710201600
44 A teammate February 24, 2024 310de82d-8d3b-4682-85b6-b0f679ccf413 0 0.00 0 5 0 0 5 1708732800
45 A teammate February 24, 2024 fe2c9927-52e6-472a-9be2-19fd337b8753 0 0.00 10 741 0 0 741 1708732800
46 A teammate February 21, 2024 516893bd-eeda-49e9-8e23-b162fc161222 0 0.00 1 24 0 0 24 1708473600
47 WizWhistle February 26, 2024 c0e57a74-5989-4c0e-a548-b845509d3013 0 0.00 30 4,938 0 0 4938 1708905600