32 County Republic

Yup yup 7up*Active players only, log in at least once every two weeks!*


Rank: #232
Online: 0 / 8
Total Season: 159,446,647
Total Lifetime: 17,608,661,147
Total Showcase: 1004 / 1280
Total Cookie Power: 1,270,370

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 DarkArceus February 23, 2024 ffd7a654-fafa-4525-ab9f-2f3673d4aaab 159,446,647 17098342657.017,098,342,657 117 281,027 159446646.5 17098342656.991 281027 1708646400
2 WoRm395 April 10, 2024 7c180734-61e4-451b-b9fb-0acd8f3c52e9 0 510318490.0510,318,490 29 3,094 0 510318489.96368 3094 1712707200
3 A teammate January 25, 2024 b91e4c4d-468e-42da-965e-6166342d17e1 0 0.00 17 3,134 0 0 3134 1706140800
4 Bigcreeper1002 July 24, 2022 d1b3c1ee-2f67-49b8-a593-d6701f93e6bd 0 0.00 51 5,522 0 0 5522 1658620800
5 Lana February 16, 2024 fed2079a-cced-4ceb-9d86-3d218d350ded 0 0.00 352 446,803 0 0 446803 1708041600
6 Bossbaker March 03, 2024 408c6851-596d-4daf-a394-1bca2ff57811 0 0.00 22 2,478 0 0 2478 1709424000
7 A teammate February 22, 2024 e707e0d1-2952-4980-b84d-3b7d4bd03293 0 0.00 64 46,561 0 0 46561 1708560000
8 Rose April 02, 2024 bbbe843b-50e9-4ccf-9b76-6baad1b662c3 0 0.00 352 481,751 0 0 481751 1712016000