
Rank: #410
Online: 0 / 3
Total Season: 10,047,729
Total Lifetime: 1,542,524,535
Total Showcase: 51 / 480
Total Cookie Power: 54,044

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 A teammate January 06, 2024 f3fb061d-c6de-4c10-ba65-de911f246d35 10,047,729 38282157.038,282,157 2 65 10047729 38282157 65 1704499200
2 A teammate January 04, 2024 3d24b9e0-35ce-4ea2-8d07-348861005789 0 1382463423.01,382,463,423 40 53,575 0 1382463423.2221 53575 1704326400
3 A teammate January 01, 2024 78135ec9-5baa-4e0c-8bce-4ecfa73f257e 0 121778955.0121,778,955 9 404 0 121778955 404 1704067200