Neighboring Teams for bs

These are the neighboring teams for bs!

Rank Team Cookies
231 The Secret Power 41,586
232 Bitajnu 21,505
233 Haylin cookies shop 16,424
234 THCookiez 3,988
235 sweet house 820
236 Proboys 333
237 Legion 143
238 BetinhaCris 45
239 K9H2O 38
240 wont kick you 9
241 bs 0
242 Tops 0
243 sigma cookie makers 0
244 Infinite Cookies 0
245 The Jolly Ranger 0
246 Scotland 0
247 Top1000 0
248 mewingrn 0
249 Afk 0
250 Pro Team 0
251 Snake Clan 0