
We be jizzin


Rank: #448
Online: 0 / 46
Total Season: 4,737,488
Total Lifetime: 89,391,920
Total Showcase: 815 / 7360
Total Cookie Power: 732,785

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 A teammate April 23, 2024 d0c2e91f-dbca-4847-bc49-d64a612dddbf 4,737,488 48691232.048,691,232 11 920 4737488 48691232 920 1713830400
2 A teammate April 12, 2024 15bf78ef-b174-461b-967f-44952a583016 0 40700688.040,700,688 2 481 0 40700688 481 1712880000
3 Rainbowy August 26, 2023 51deb543-cfae-4bf1-a7f8-b5663238f374 0 0.00 2 45 0 0 45 1693008000
4 A teammate April 25, 2024 a6cae6c8-0592-4dec-8965-88579dd4b787 0 0.00 11 1,726 0 0 1726 1714003200
5 A teammate April 27, 2024 d59071fb-7e00-4b11-a4d7-7183f2dc7b97 0 0.00 6 736 0 0 736 1714176000
6 Austin is the best April 10, 2024 0caa3a2c-8e6e-464a-acd3-72198f5562b7 0 0.00 3 304 0 0 304 1712707200
7 Papa soul76 April 27, 2024 b65ca3e0-2512-4135-9c1f-edb96451216b 0 0.00 14 5,469 0 0 5469 1714176000
8 A teammate April 26, 2024 5d62e012-6e14-4a54-bca1-1ac1eb6d709b 0 0.00 9 1,061 0 0 1061 1714089600
9 Boiledcheese April 29, 2024 389315f8-1bd3-4d52-adce-c90c6e46d2c6 0 0.00 22 7,941 0 0 7941 1714348800
10 A teammate April 28, 2024 6d8e8d83-3b61-43cf-beb5-985abb29a24d 0 0.00 0 11 0 0 11 1714262400
11 A teammate April 13, 2024 1be1aee7-904c-4914-851a-7809ebb719cc 0 0.00 28 2,135 0 0 2135 1712966400
12 A teammate April 26, 2024 67bf17a9-e59e-47b6-b63f-dc833ffc8391 0 0.00 6 537 0 0 537 1714089600
13 vrowsa April 25, 2024 0551c51f-8eed-4ffe-bcaa-88ef781d50f8 0 0.00 6 396 0 0 396 1714003200
14 cookieman10 April 27, 2024 b615e40e-05ed-4198-b8ab-c6c3112d9b76 0 0.00 11 413 0 0 413 1714176000
15 gamerformemes January 18, 2023 19bd1431-e728-42ec-b3ed-b33b50363cc3 0 0.00 26 1,910 0 0 1910 1674000000
16 220228 April 28, 2024 b6e6ff4f-3089-498a-970c-6436bd87238d 0 0.00 20 1,429 0 0 1429 1714262400
17 Ali July 14, 2018 8fdb9fe7-be2e-4c89-a27c-7c3117281bc6 0 0.00 173 330,083 0 0 330083 1531526400
18 A teammate February 12, 2024 42c0f646-4c4e-4b7e-a2e2-5d70c91f2c72 0 0.00 6 371 0 0 371 1707696000
19 A teammate April 29, 2024 be7f7ed8-dc1a-477f-a497-4c3d6c5b5e73 0 0.00 0 20 0 0 20 1714348800
20 darkness April 28, 2024 d4feb114-1a63-4193-ab4b-7ec1d127286b 0 0.00 31 5,926 0 0 5926 1714262400
21 jizzmaster October 27, 2023 756ed812-6adf-4a87-9aa2-4dccf077dce2 0 0.00 15 988 0 0 988 1698364800
22 A teammate April 27, 2024 7204735d-4b3b-480b-8f59-01ff722c00a3 0 0.00 1 21 0 0 21 1714176000
23 A teammate April 26, 2024 6b9dadf9-4906-469b-a501-609709d5dfae 0 0.00 6 288 0 0 288 1714089600
24 cyyruzzp April 27, 2024 8abcff33-679f-4f82-8ce8-fe8a281cbfcb 0 0.00 16 3,625 0 0 3625 1714176000
25 A teammate April 25, 2024 9c744332-c267-4f6b-a317-939c3ec0d514 0 0.00 21 1,942 0 0 1942 1714003200
26 220228 January 15, 2024 cc424465-4c6e-4d42-9980-ee59f9b85673 0 0.00 18 1,225 0 0 1225 1705276800
27 A teammate December 04, 2023 f4861e29-f6ff-410b-a9f0-222557bd375f 0 0.00 1 30 0 0 30 1701648000
28 Niuxavicius January 18, 2023 0f84ead6-d9ee-47c8-9a3a-cb4e9d207dcf 0 0.00 137 253,510 0 0 253510 1674000000
29 A teammate April 28, 2024 f0a50372-6182-4268-b50d-a9c8d83aff4d 0 0.00 8 1,211 0 0 1211 1714262400
30 A teammate April 27, 2024 03f8de3e-fe5f-42aa-893d-d68fd744d896 0 0.00 1 30 0 0 30 1714176000
31 A teammate April 28, 2024 7f69d92f-49d1-40de-b2ee-e69acb87326b 0 0.00 3 58 0 0 58 1714262400
32 A teammate April 28, 2024 10ff3529-f127-4492-97f3-2ce5d18d2cca 0 0.00 4 64 0 0 64 1714262400
33 A teammate April 26, 2024 635d41cc-cf3c-4fa0-bd4b-574838a64185 0 0.00 8 677 0 0 677 1714089600
34 A teammate April 29, 2024 42df1f0d-7ed7-4e16-9f9e-858a3d33d0e0 0 0.00 14 717 0 0 717 1714348800
35 A teammate April 26, 2024 d2ce5cc2-da83-4959-8d13-3e4c3e12528c 0 0.00 16 1,615 0 0 1615 1714089600
36 A teammate April 19, 2024 7d9ae1c5-6a5e-43a9-ae39-f91da885b217 0 0.00 13 773 0 0 773 1713484800
37 sharky January 28, 2024 6eae9feb-4b43-452e-9e5a-0102dcb19681 0 0.00 12 2,238 0 0 2238 1706400000
38 A teammate April 19, 2024 824c3aab-324d-4408-b6a7-6acf0406bba5 0 0.00 19 1,185 0 0 1185 1713484800
39 A teammate April 27, 2024 6b1e35a5-825a-4e64-8b38-4dd6ac0d9e05 0 0.00 15 1,712 0 0 1712 1714176000
40 A teammate April 28, 2024 09c07946-6c7a-4973-a450-3b56caf3f203 0 0.00 1 51 0 0 51 1714262400
41 Jizzer October 31, 2023 4f0fdb3c-b5f8-421a-8943-bf3683dfb7da 0 0.00 17 2,058 0 0 2058 1698710400
42 A teammate April 28, 2024 3ee43d4d-1323-418f-a2f4-7e0464bd389d 0 0.00 32 14,282 0 0 14282 1714262400
43 A teammate April 27, 2024 c2f84f52-9d6c-4a23-9512-8ec601ddc2a7 0 0.00 21 1,608 0 0 1608 1714176000
44 A teammate April 18, 2024 b1028ae7-e2fa-46f7-8f0c-e410c0604df2 0 0.00 12 1,089 0 0 1089 1713398400
45 A teammate April 27, 2024 6e2ef02c-4c6f-4949-bab7-b066b19b1dec 0 0.00 0 15 0 0 15 1714176000
46 A teammate April 29, 2024 a6ca4d7b-6dc1-42d3-8ace-0cf145219d3e 0 0.00 17 79,859 0 0 79859 1714348800