Neighboring Teams for cookies pack

These are the neighboring teams for cookies pack !

Rank Team Cookies
381 Socks Team 52,202
382 cookiemasters 45,403
383 Special 41,451
384 The Hardcore Bakers 40,226
385 spooky 40,118
386 Cookie people 17,734
387 HAVEN 16,223
388 Carmera 15,939
389 fudgy1 11,547
390 :D 8,244
391 cookies pack 7,380
392 The Resistance 6,871
393 OH HAPPY DAYS 6,285
394 DONT BUY 2TB USB 5,254
395 Mopar Cookies Inc 4,574
396 OnlyPass 4,230
397 sweet house 2,888
398 Million Plus Only 2,183
399 Pure Percent 1,371
400 united cookies 664
401 Cookie Clickers 546