Neighboring Teams for join a team

These are the neighboring teams for join a team!

Rank Team Cookies
182 89,991
183 Dummies 80,358
184 For Fun 53,751
185 Annad 46,325
186 Bitajnu 21,505
187 Haylin cookies shop 16,424
188 THCookiez 3,988
189 Proboys 333
190 Legion 143
191 BetinhaCris 45
192 join a team 0
193 Snake Clan 0
194 ATeamWithNoName 0
195 The Raccoons 0
196 super mamie 0
197 no 0
198 BossSqd 0
199 Sunshine in a Bag 0
200 Karma 0
201 HI 0
202 Joseph 0