Neighboring Teams for Puppies

These are the neighboring teams for Puppies!

Rank Team Cookies
38 Oblivion 1,207,893,505
39 Team AFK 1,179,075,855
40 Europe 1,116,941,195
41 choco 1,064,950,076
42 CLAUDIA’S CUPCAKES 1,005,886,519
43 Grace is Love 956,363,012
44 Consistency 921,764,889
45 Velocity 900,933,023
46 idle gamers 889,908,743
47 Bananenrepublik 844,137,139
48 Puppies 805,198,706
49 Court of Dreams 795,211,142
50 di2 791,050,829
51 Kamikazes 722,627,658
52 Wraith 647,069,466
53 The Schrub Tribe 639,199,056
54 The Wolf Pack 614,835,931
55 hateit 601,862,705
56 Gingerbread 595,221,935
57 sss 592,481,673
58 Incremental Autism 553,323,552