Casual Lad

Welcome :) And respectful towards each other. have fun with idle. In Memory of Chef Andrew :)


Rank: #167
Online: 0 / 7
Total Season: 347,023,822
Total Lifetime: 166,535,204,928
Total Showcase: 1195 / 1120
Total Cookie Power: 1,331,398

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 dadster express April 02, 2015 ad45f0fd-5a05-4a54-a0fd-10d3a868c37d 215,975,650 40786051425.040,786,051,425 160 237,177 215975649.5 40786051424.759 237177 1427932800
2 Polarize February 20, 2021 55445c25-75af-405e-a9e5-761e65ba2613 95,913,250 18185554981.018,185,554,981 184 179,969 95913249.9679985 18185554980.673 179969 1613779200
3 Core August 19, 2021 30ac515d-9691-4ae1-b631-bdd85844abaa 35,134,923 107563598522.0107,563,598,522 183 286,395 35134923 107563598522.15 286395 1629331200
4 Digital January 04, 2024 d3b898ee-891e-4686-af5f-403e72fa3c13 0 0.00 202 235,744 0 0 235744 1704326400
5 Darkcade October 23, 2023 20aec1f9-324e-4407-9273-a986e932109f 0 0.00 138 97,633 0 0 97633 1698019200
6 Ms Masamune July 04, 2018 fda84db0-aad1-4dcf-bd8e-e3ff0caf0a9c 0 0.00 97 61,155 0 0 61155 1530662400
7 Raychill December 22, 2023 5ee9fb50-e30b-466f-9d15-c1f09ed16ade 0 0.00 231 233,325 0 0 233325 1703203200