

Rank: #449
Online: 0 / 12
Total Season: 2,560,963
Total Lifetime: 55,852,441
Total Showcase: 118 / 1920
Total Cookie Power: 45,251

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 A teammate March 01, 2024 a005a304-d253-4af3-bb20-a26ba639c087 2,560,963 55852441.055,852,441 4 654 2560963.300035 55852440.900054 654 1709251200
2 A teammate January 13, 2023 be97a59c-30e3-4c56-b23e-0e9373782cb2 0 0.00 1 33 0 0 33 1673568000
3 A teammate May 28, 2024 05b73d45-3ea6-4636-be66-c070a71c247f 0 0.00 7 1,681 0 0 1681 1716854400
4 christmass May 27, 2024 aea76d88-8e94-4242-b8c3-0ab8265fbe92 0 0.00 6 5,883 0 0 5883 1716768000
5 A teammate May 26, 2024 2a4294e1-59d9-4483-938d-45bbff75f7c3 0 0.00 3 118 0 0 118 1716681600
6 TheKookieMaker May 06, 2024 a2962311-3578-4f9b-ac8b-6d77b8745bf3 0 0.00 14 7,978 0 0 7978 1714953600
7 A teammate May 27, 2024 08e179a8-7ceb-4ef2-b926-d39f2b33ab43 0 0.00 3 249 0 0 249 1716768000
8 A teammate March 29, 2024 d51b7a6c-f9b6-43c3-b99d-32d99eb0a311 0 0.00 26 4,244 0 0 4244 1711670400
9 A teammate May 26, 2024 42940a21-8716-4fc9-9bd8-c8fc1ea51b96 0 0.00 9 1,425 0 0 1425 1716681600
10 A teammate May 25, 2024 f200e925-871f-4cd0-a4b3-2c48ceb1e59d 0 0.00 4 1,068 0 0 1068 1716595200
11 jim jam May 26, 2024 27728ded-f310-4b36-b330-10d610ad9739 0 0.00 41 21,912 0 0 21912 1716681600
12 Bys2024 May 09, 2024 7c536527-bec2-4b54-b507-bcf7aa43ae6f 0 0.00 0 6 0 0 6 1715212800