

Rank: #517
Online: 0 / 46
Total Season: 1,509,457
Total Lifetime: 144,493,910
Total Showcase: 423 / 7360
Total Cookie Power: 83,767

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 Romyn YT April 13, 2024 5128ddb4-530b-4e38-8e73-71c21cf6bd60 1,509,457 124715001.0124,715,001 16 1,659 1509457.11496 124715001.18974 1659 1712966400
2 A teammate April 18, 2024 1d9de88f-a88f-459d-8933-00bde29cbcde 0 19778909.019,778,909 8 410 0 19778909 410 1713398400
3 A teammate April 14, 2024 84940064-aa60-42f4-9ad3-a4d2b08919d8 0 0.00 5 875 0 0 875 1713052800
4 Dog April 20, 2024 0e786499-1848-4509-9693-043918c7575f 0 0.00 17 1,386 0 0 1386 1713571200
5 A teammate April 08, 2024 5a5abad3-6c59-4da6-8d4d-8aee12f36d9a 0 0.00 0 28 0 0 28 1712534400
6 A teammate April 17, 2024 a061ba1a-04e8-4a0a-9298-c545d98efbcc 0 0.00 1 20 0 0 20 1713312000
7 A teammate April 06, 2024 ccf76489-6694-450b-affd-6413a282006c 0 0.00 7 571 0 0 571 1712361600
8 ciel April 20, 2024 e7580cfa-afda-4f07-941e-86e521407774 0 0.00 31 3,841 0 0 3841 1713571200
9 kaisan April 07, 2024 bd633bc3-66a2-4810-89f0-43fe45474a70 0 0.00 2 181 0 0 181 1712448000
10 A teammate April 19, 2024 68b01b6d-a411-489b-8e04-03b326553dff 0 0.00 1 21 0 0 21 1713484800
11 A teammate April 14, 2024 e3eec411-9ee1-4bee-a437-6d070e1abe55 0 0.00 3 62 0 0 62 1713052800
12 A teammate April 17, 2024 d32e3388-b3e9-4846-a5dc-ac96e853f9e6 0 0.00 2 22 0 0 22 1713312000
13 qdel April 20, 2024 8bf1ac9e-24b7-48d3-bfa9-c0648ee93a3e 0 0.00 8 1,417 0 0 1417 1713571200
14 A teammate April 07, 2024 c4d4855b-7664-4189-a882-1f4d722b6077 0 0.00 3 188 0 0 188 1712448000
15 Goofy ahh April 07, 2024 067f6940-2065-4cf8-b7fa-07798bc02856 0 0.00 2 32 0 0 32 1712448000
16 A teammate April 07, 2024 fac74810-c3b2-41a5-9745-22e124c95274 0 0.00 0 6 0 0 6 1712448000
17 A teammate April 07, 2024 46cacd48-2dd6-40ec-bc43-7d5e67c61e2a 0 0.00 14 1,560 0 0 1560 1712448000
18 1 April 17, 2024 cd712648-f521-495e-9fa8-18a6fa409cb0 0 0.00 20 2,043 0 0 2043 1713312000
19 A teammate April 17, 2024 5a8ab4de-5250-4d27-a6a7-0adb8226caa9 0 0.00 1 15 0 0 15 1713312000
20 mrbest April 15, 2024 f3091954-96e4-4ad3-b0ac-daefa6ac3359 0 0.00 5 554 0 0 554 1713139200
21 A teammate April 20, 2024 f3d5dbc1-e771-4c0d-9fee-2211a88c2a4d 0 0.00 4 175 0 0 175 1713571200
22 A teammate April 09, 2024 2d8af47e-ae4b-4b37-9a2d-f628838499e1 0 0.00 2 100 0 0 100 1712620800
23 A teammate April 17, 2024 d5a79059-9e04-4923-a5db-20369d26a287 0 0.00 39 9,825 0 0 9825 1713312000
24 joedirt April 20, 2024 12f4f57e-9b3f-40a5-b91d-427693ea935b 0 0.00 11 514 0 0 514 1713571200
25 fairy bakery August 27, 2019 0b94a42b-f1ed-4c91-813a-e21a98896b59 0 0.00 47 14,443 0 0 14443 1566864000
26 ItsTheFinalBraincell April 28, 2024 7d09b1d9-bdf7-4739-add5-ca918cb2eaa3 0 0.00 5 151 0 0 151 1714262400
27 A teammate April 19, 2024 19c24d2a-1288-4cf6-a5fb-1fcf582a1b2d 0 0.00 10 2,116 0 0 2116 1713484800
28 A teammate April 08, 2024 c6cd0e62-35f6-4a58-b73e-0a82dd58238b 0 0.00 4 494 0 0 494 1712534400
29 cloudye April 20, 2024 91139bdf-82a1-4e51-82a2-444207fe32f9 0 0.00 7 2,400 0 0 2400 1713571200
30 A teammate April 18, 2024 97d3c129-01f2-4444-a2ba-1997ee1d1593 0 0.00 6 476 0 0 476 1713398400
31 A teammate April 16, 2024 122c1bfe-52c9-4345-b031-d8a1b0c1e982 0 0.00 3 110 0 0 110 1713225600
32 soulenigma March 03, 2024 43559eff-7404-4720-9230-70bbec857fe8 0 0.00 66 27,828 0 0 27828 1709424000
33 ily April 18, 2024 8685f948-706f-4b80-88d7-ae821c6988a1 0 0.00 20 1,464 0 0 1464 1713398400
34 A teammate April 19, 2024 6b57dd9e-e959-4150-b919-cf7feba8681d 0 0.00 2 442 0 0 442 1713484800
35 A teammate April 07, 2024 76ed6b76-3d47-46ff-a6f1-57199549739b 0 0.00 16 4,562 0 0 4562 1712448000
36 A teammate April 15, 2024 d00d4ea3-85dd-4d91-af7f-800b1b634b22 0 0.00 0 8 0 0 8 1713139200
37 A teammate April 07, 2024 9fc6f88f-e7d4-436b-8972-b5258a492162 0 0.00 1 12 0 0 12 1712448000
38 ELANO April 16, 2024 b84d509a-352b-432e-aa1d-20db6034e57e 0 0.00 9 2,107 0 0 2107 1713225600
39 Bruh April 09, 2024 68c00dfd-adee-48ee-ac9f-e0ef5849c387 0 0.00 1 311 0 0 311 1712620800
40 Nightmare April 18, 2024 47a43a52-8dbb-4abd-a7e8-a8dd96032511 0 0.00 4 575 0 0 575 1713398400
41 A teammate March 03, 2024 1a808e12-d8a0-48a5-a993-4d9a7f1df105 0 0.00 4 147 0 0 147 1709424000
42 A teammate April 06, 2024 eb88f7d3-6f97-4dfc-a0ad-f2708d40da61 0 0.00 0 39 0 0 39 1712361600
43 A teammate April 14, 2024 c0787d1f-c8f1-4b53-b0ef-dd4fce10206f 0 0.00 14 379 0 0 379 1713052800
44 A teammate March 30, 2024 8f1309ac-4995-427a-b3df-6add69b24096 0 0.00 0 41 0 0 41 1711756800
45 A teammate April 25, 2024 d08676b6-9196-4ccf-9db1-fce674ec82cc 0 0.00 0 9 0 0 9 1714003200
46 Dog April 24, 2024 a3f3f91b-0956-48b8-9082-4a1b6712aa3f 0 0.00 2 148 0 0 148 1713916800