

Rank: #534
Online: 0 / 15
Total Season: 0
Total Lifetime: 312,631,682
Total Showcase: 310 / 2400
Total Cookie Power: 74,001

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 A teammate December 30, 2023 3ee1c3fc-ac81-43b4-b121-bf55038d1898 0 312631682.0312,631,682 11 1,266 0 312631682.11797 1266 1703894400
2 ImReallyBakist February 14, 2024 8cfe3bf4-826c-4b94-a4b5-7fadf8748aa9 0 0.00 34 12,220 0 0 12220 1707868800
3 A teammate February 14, 2024 62aef1a4-a779-4b48-9c26-fa0c82d345db 0 0.00 16 2,093 0 0 2093 1707868800
4 A teammate February 14, 2024 5853dfc3-a128-46a4-a6d1-e07fda2aaa2b 0 0.00 3 391 0 0 391 1707868800
5 im a childist February 12, 2024 0393e354-f48f-4d9f-bc73-8728f37e2705 0 0.00 67 19,524 0 0 19524 1707696000
6 A teammate February 13, 2024 47e9b903-2255-4398-a2f8-b67d45e182b0 0 0.00 5 375 0 0 375 1707782400
7 A teammate February 17, 2024 19582f7b-8131-40fb-b9d7-eaf6af0933cb 0 0.00 2 21 0 0 21 1708128000
8 Hi February 14, 2024 cd52898e-fb3b-4346-8487-8212483b579b 0 0.00 8 395 0 0 395 1707868800
9 A teammate February 14, 2024 8fc9869f-2a19-427f-8271-1bc422ae87aa 0 0.00 14 911 0 0 911 1707868800
10 Monsieur Baker February 12, 2024 c43411fa-ba7f-47dd-b60c-8dea4daa6159 0 0.00 24 4,285 0 0 4285 1707696000
11 CommingForCookies February 16, 2024 fc78b57a-fddd-4200-8b15-d86d04e9948c 0 0.00 27 4,285 0 0 4285 1708041600
12 A teammate February 14, 2024 a140aeb3-56b8-4b7f-b3ab-a2475ff887e9 0 0.00 2 30 0 0 30 1707868800
13 The child baker February 15, 2024 64f3b03b-d97d-4d47-9371-e18783bf695e 0 0.00 30 4,717 0 0 4717 1707955200
14 MasterBaker February 12, 2024 6bd5f6a0-9684-4388-ae53-532362998b3c 0 0.00 57 23,138 0 0 23138 1707696000
15 A teammate February 11, 2024 529dc86d-e270-47cf-858e-0f077962a6ad 0 0.00 10 350 0 0 350 1707609600