

Rank: #466
Online: 0 / 27
Total Season: 646,976
Total Lifetime: 13,058,422
Total Showcase: 289 / 4320
Total Cookie Power: 105,785

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 A teammate August 02, 2024 897777e7-5771-4260-aae2-fe3f2aab3152 646,976 10786779.010,786,779 3 132 646976 10786779 132 1722556800
2 A teammate January 28, 2024 4e292759-665d-4361-85d0-35909daf3b45 0 2271643.02,271,643 0 27 0 2271643 27 1706400000
3 A teammate August 06, 2024 1e73054e-2344-416d-8ae1-46971325e779 0 0.00 18 2,352 0 0 2352 1722902400
4 A teammate December 01, 2023 fe5647a1-83a3-4bdf-a833-aa85338c2da7 0 0.00 3 114 0 0 114 1701388800
5 Luntis August 17, 2023 a2ff9b6f-8f90-4851-802a-d604ec4c5735 0 0.00 95 75,095 0 0 75095 1692230400
6 kacper April 03, 2024 36620fcb-1c7e-4952-b696-20c0101c3302 0 0.00 6 915 0 0 915 1712102400
7 Davidpark August 26, 2023 7efd9eb8-2c63-4117-a984-eb9502929e6c 0 0.00 1 17 0 0 17 1693008000
8 A teammate April 10, 2024 91d25806-0d4f-47ea-b637-b6b54a34a809 0 0.00 14 1,123 0 0 1123 1712707200
9 Marta November 17, 2023 c35470b2-6a65-4f2a-9467-5128ee9f8fbd 0 0.00 13 827 0 0 827 1700179200
10 A teammate June 24, 2024 b95c8c03-4a77-48aa-aa95-009e0334407a 0 0.00 1 29 0 0 29 1719187200
11 A teammate April 12, 2024 52919706-2834-4d6d-ba60-ac58f70821a1 0 0.00 4 296 0 0 296 1712880000
12 A teammate July 30, 2024 fb6338b3-e9c0-4c36-8c1d-f88a12d88b95 0 0.00 0 15 0 0 15 1722297600
13 bartus January 14, 2024 1eb04323-fa21-4e5c-9e4d-39eeed7c4721 0 0.00 7 881 0 0 881 1705190400
14 A teammate April 08, 2024 6d609941-b5a9-4421-b9ba-62068cb86dee 0 0.00 0 51 0 0 51 1712534400
15 Have you found any e August 28, 2023 ace4c94c-2069-48ee-8646-e81ead247bdc 0 0.00 10 644 0 0 644 1693180800
16 A teammate April 08, 2024 b9969590-c490-4883-b1e2-42b529d07ff7 0 0.00 0 10 0 0 10 1712534400
17 rc August 14, 2023 ce9d9f9a-53fb-44d2-a216-56348a7a32f8 0 0.00 29 7,038 0 0 7038 1691971200
18 A teammate January 02, 2024 316a4cc5-db84-4ea2-a29d-7f0818716653 0 0.00 18 1,877 0 0 1877 1704153600
19 A teammate September 21, 2023 82531847-63f0-4469-aeeb-7f3c98489083 0 0.00 0 83 0 0 83 1695254400
20 A teammate July 31, 2024 911b565d-0662-4a25-b87b-b6975b3c6024 0 0.00 2 76 0 0 76 1722384000
21 A teammate April 06, 2024 2b173a19-8f17-4124-9fa7-a7ae0a23f9a4 0 0.00 0 26 0 0 26 1712361600
22 A teammate April 17, 2023 9f0d4a84-5a27-40f3-b26a-527d609b5c0b 0 0.00 8 1,249 0 0 1249 1681689600
23 Yellow January 10, 2024 5ec278ef-7388-4215-867b-ae88cc2548ee 0 0.00 33 10,068 0 0 10068 1704844800
24 kami12 May 14, 2024 559d5a5f-d855-4cf1-92cf-a44b3200f8b9 0 0.00 5 404 0 0 404 1715644800
25 A teammate August 28, 2023 36b4151e-d9ec-42f9-a8aa-784870a16f43 0 0.00 17 2,304 0 0 2304 1693180800
26 A teammate August 05, 2024 520bc261-521e-42c6-8bd5-7c30de4a024c 0 0.00 1 70 0 0 70 1722816000
27 maja May 24, 2024 d1ad8671-f3f0-4ce4-a616-04e34759c4c7 0 0.00 1 62 0 0 62 1716508800