
Rank: #246
Online: 0 / 5
Total Season: 136,812,207
Total Lifetime: 947,358,290
Total Showcase: 183 / 800
Total Cookie Power: 106,010

Disclaimers: Users named A teammate do not have a bakery name set!
Collectors who have 0 lifetime cookies on the leaderboard but a lot in chat are cheaters and should be kicked immediately!!
Ranks here may not match in-game rank! They are sorted by Current Season Cookies then Lifetime Cookies (e.g. 0 current 5 lifetime is ranked higher than 0 current 2 lifetime).

Rank Bakery Name Bakery Created Public ID Current Season Cookies Lifetime Cookies Showcase Items Cookie Power Current Season Cookies Raw Current Season Cookies Raw Cookie Power Raw Creation Time int
1 RIFTINDUCER August 11, 2024 5640a74e-8e90-4706-9eb9-4094dd536148 136,812,207 869335587.0869,335,587 53 8,492 136812207.30462003 869335586.77336 8492 1723334400
2 220228 November 28, 2022 77050f88-fdc9-4623-b004-fcee5f1122bd 0 78022703.078,022,703 20 3,170 0 78022703.449932 3170 1669593600
3 220228 February 03, 2024 5452531d-8d02-4b95-a65c-19fccb72728a 0 0.00 13 434 0 0 434 1706918400
4 220228 January 03, 2024 0efb506a-0fe9-4a69-8c80-4b6e2d747400 0 0.00 5 305 0 0 305 1704240000
5 220228 May 25, 2023 236def7e-0580-4270-9ef6-edc647916ac5 0 0.00 92 93,609 0 0 93609 1684972800